David Webster, Director SOAS Foundation College / Professor of Philosophy & Pedagogy, SOAS, University of London
David Webster / University of Liverpool

David Webster, Director of Education, Quality & Enhancement at The University of Liverpool, and Professor of Philosophy & Pedagogy.

Previously Director of The SOAS Foundation College, University of London.

I am an Advance HE National Teaching Fellow and Senior Fellow. My interests are primarily in Higher Education Pedagogy, HE Practice and Policy, and the ethics of Social Media. I still write, speak and publish in relation to philosophy and the ethics of a variety of types of belief system.

I established the Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching at SOAS, and was formerly Head of Learning and Teaching Innovation at the University of Gloucestershire, and founded the Religion, Philosophy & Ethics course there too, as well as spending some time as Head of the School of Humanities.

On twitter I am @davidwebster. For some of my non-academic work, see my non-fiction piece for Holdbreaker.